Monday, April 6, 2015

What’s the Scoop on Reiki?
What is Reiki? Reiki is a holistic healing modality that utilizes pure universal energy to clear energetic blocks in the body that cause pain or distress. Working by simple laying-on of hands and intent, Reiki brings us back into physical, mental and spiritual harmony by connecting to universal life force energy. The Reiki healer calls in the energy and places the hands on or near the body, allowing soothing energy to flow.
To enjoy a Reiki session, simply sit or lie comfortably while a Reiki healer lets energy flow. Reiki is an intelligent energy and travels to wherever it is needed in the body. You will never get too much or too little and the energy always works for the highest good. The treatment feels relaxing and restful. Tension, pain and stress relief may come right away, however as Reiki activates the body’s innate ability to heal itself, the full benefit of a treatment may not be fully appreciated until days later. For the best results, Reiki should be continued on a regular basis.

The word Reiki is comprised of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom" or "The Higher Power" and "Ki" which is "Life Force Energy". Reiki is often translated to mean "Universal Life Energy" but it can also mean "Enlightenment" or "The coming together of the Universal Spirit of Creation with our own".
The Usui Reiki system of healing was developed in the early 1900s in Japan by a man named Mikao Usui. It has been passed down from Mikao to generations of practitioners by the process of attunement. In other words, Mikao attuned healers of his generation who, in turn, attuned the next generation and so on. This means a Usui Reiki healer’s lineage today can be traced back directly to Mikao Usui.
An attunement is a ritual where a Reiki Master opens the student’s energy centers, or chakras, to energy. Once attuned, always attuned. The student never loses the ability to connect to energy.

There are three levels in Reiki:

Level I covers the Reiki principles, the hand positions and includes a Reiki I attunement. Once attuned to Reiki I, the student is able to call in the energy to their own hands to self-heal.
In Level II, three Reiki symbols are taught and the student is attuned to the second level. This increases the flow of Reiki in the hands substantially, allows for emotional healing and enables distance healing. At this point, the student is ready to heal others, as well as themselves.
In Level III, the student receives the master symbol and attunement, is taught how to perform, or pass on, an attunement, and learns how to teach Reiki to others. The flow of energy in the student’s hands is increased tremendously by the master attunement.

You might be a candidate for Reiki treatment if you suffer from:

  • anxiety, negativity or depression
  • sleepless nights
  • muscle aches or pain
  • a physical injury or have had a recent surgical procedure

Or if you:

  • are interested in improving your spiritual connection
  • seem to be doing okay but feel like something is missing
  • want help with aging or memory issues
  • are trying to recover from addiction, emotional trauma or an abusive relationship
Should you have a treatment, become healing attuned or Reiki I attuned? This is entirely up to you. The benefits of becoming Reiki I attuned include being able to self-treat with Reiki, but also offers an introduction to a mind blowing new way of life. Opening up to energy will change you for the better as nothing else can.
Where do I start? Find a local practitioner – this is like finding a new hairstylist, lawyer or massage therapist. Do your homework. Search the web, read reviews, ask your friends for a referral, or attend an open Reiki Share, where healers get together to heal as a group. Find someone you can make a connection with as they may very well become an important part of your life.
Whether you become attuned to any or all of the levels, or simply begin by scheduling a session, you will find that connecting to Reiki energy is an experience like no other. It is a journey to get to know yourself and to see the world from a new perspective. Good luck and have fun.

Original Article by Patti DeschainePatti Deschaine is a traditionally trained Usui Reiki Master and owner of Maja Energy Works and Reiki Healing. She resides and practices in Wilmington, NC. She enjoys all types of Reiki and particularly loves using Reiki on animals

Bangkok Reiki, Reiki Share, Healing, Reiki Healing, Reiki Master

 These are photos of what is called a Reiki Share where Reiki Practitioners and Teachers and Students get together to treat and to be treated to Reiki by each other, which is beneficial to all by gaining more practice and experience and of course receiving more Reiki Energy. I, Chris Crabtree am in the second and third photos (in striped shirt), both receiving and giving Reiki energy. Sometimes questions may be asked to discuss something that is sensed or felt or otherwise perceived by a practitioner channeling Reiki Energy to the receiver, and discussed at the discretion of the person receiving Reiki. Discussing it is to relieve an energy block that may be caused by an emotion held onto, whether or not the person realizes it and discussing it may aid in releasing it and help the Reiki Energy Flow to clear it. The energy may be felt as a pain or illness or other dis-ease in someone and may not be realized as an old issue that someone may hold to, within the body which can embody itself as such.

In a regular Reiki Session, only the practitioner and the person requesting the Reiki Session are in a room alone for the session. Any discussion is logically held in the highest regard and the only goal is to start the healing process. 

My services are available both in person in Bangkok and Phuket Thailand and worldwide through Distance Healing. I love treating animals too and try to help many strays as well with distance healing, even when just a few feet from me.

distance Reiki, animal reiki, reiki healing, distance healing, bangkok reiki

Bangkok Reiki, reiki master, reiki healing, distance healing, pet healing